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Annual Winter Antiques Auction - January 4, 2014
Items of Interest

Bronze horse with lady rider by Pierre Jules Mene [1810-1879] , 19-1/2" tall, dated 1865; rare bronze wall plaque titled "The Horses of Medellin" by Abbott Lawrence Pattison [1916-1999 , this bronze in cast in firenze by Ferdinado Marineili, 18" x 21"; 38-star silk American flag, 31" x 43"; nest of three (3) Nantucket swing handle baskets; large chopping tray in original red paint; pair of apple jade lamps with foo dog finials, 8" tall; rare courting mirror with pin-prick decorated frame; wonderful tole pierced open compote with pedestal base; pair of merganzer decoys in the manner of George Hevy of Friendship, Maine (fresh from the boathouse); pair of cork body decoys tagged Saks 5th Avenue with carved wooden heads; Queen Anne gilt courting mirror with carved crest; early candle box with slide cover in crusty red paint; plaster sculpture of cowboys and pack horses on a mountainside by Charles Beil [1894-1976] , originally from the Morton Quantrell estate that we have sold items from over the years - such as a Charles Russell bronze, several rare paintings, etc.; pair of old large lion cement garden figures; pair of brass and iron horse head andirons with brass hoof base, 17" tall; collection of over 35 beaded evening bags; pair of owl cast iron andirons, 15" tall; large tole deed box with bird painting, cherry, etc.; two (2) Victorian wicker fancy doll carriages; doll's chest with mirror; several early spint baskets and cheese baskets; wonderful mahogany table clock with brass dial, circa 1850; petrified pre-historic large tooth from a shark or carnivorous dinosaur; 19th c. crazy quilt with Maine Quilt Heritage registration; basket quilt also registered; 8-inch Schonut wooden elephant; Victorian collapsible highchair; porcelain dial carriage clock with repeater ( as is ); old antique musket with 42" barrel and original ramrod; wooden hand painted Kachina doll, 13-1/2" tall; RIT Dye tin 10 Cents display cabinet, excellent condition; several good hooked rugs; sheet iron Gabriel weathervane; two (2) tray lots of crocheted items and linens; set of fancy wrought iron fireplace tools; stero-viewer with cabinet cards; plus more!

Pierre Jules Mene 1865

Abbott L Pattison bronze 18x21 in

Nantucket baskets
Large chopping tray

Early courting mirror

Frienship Maine decoys

Rare tole compote
Gilded courting mirror

Plaster sculpture Charles Beil 1894-1976

38 Star silk flag
Early candle box

Cork body Saks 5th Ave sticker

Toleware deed box with bird
Early hooked rug

Horse andirons 17 in tall
Carved jade lamps

Room size Peking carpet
Pre-Historic petrified tooth

Kachina wood doll 13 in tall

Old musket

lots of good baskets
Childrens items

Owl andirons weathervane etc
Porcelain repeater carriage clock

Hooked rug
Hooked rug

Early tin dye cabinet
Old basket quilt

Crazy quilt

Old basket quilt
18th c wrought iron candlestand

Stonington decoys

Hooked rug
Hooked rug

collection of beaded purses

Sheet iron weathervane

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com
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