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Annual Winter Antiques Auction - January 4, 2014
Pottery ~ Stoneware ~ China

Newcomb College pottery vase, 4" tall, 5" diameter with blue trees; Rookwood Pottery vase 7-1/2" tall with yellow matte finish and panels; 4-gallon stoneware crock with blue decoration, E. J. Miller, Son and Company , Alexandria, VA ; 3-gallon Ovid jug with blue decoration, W. H. Farrar ; 2-gallon Geddes, NY crock; 4-gallon Seymore crock; rare redware pinch bottle ; redware jug; three (3) Ovid stoneware jugs; large 25" tall glazed pottery urn; ten (10) pieces of blue and white pottery pitchers, butter crocks, etc.; Riedinger & Caire 2-gallon stoneware jug; two (2) early Persian 12" vases; set of ten (10) hand painted fish plates; set of twelve (12) Pirkenhammer gold trim dinner plates; small tea set with gold trim and tray; six (6) crystal perfume bottles and atomizers; Cap-de-Monte lamp and dishes; three trays of Blue Danube pattern dishes; fun bunch of stoneware!

Newcomb College potery 4 in tall

Rookwood 7 5 in tall

Rare redware pinch bottle

E J Miller son and company 4 gal

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com
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