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Annual Maine Winter Auction - January 15, 2012
Items of Interest

Rare 19th c. horse race game with mahogany boxed case, original condition, 19” x 19”, purchased at the old Fischer Tavern of Eastchester, NY Auction in the 1960s; wonderful porcelain and brass fancy mantle clock, cobalt blue with hand painted Sevres-style paintings by Miller & Sons, London; monumental set of andirons, 40” tall with large brass balls, Arts & Crafts period; large hand carved Chinese Trojan-style horse, 5 feet tall on wooden wheels; Boston artistic carved wall eagle; 5-cent Buckley Co. slot machine; rare mantle clock with eagle finial, claw feet and winged gods; Eskimo ivory cribbage board; brass chandelier  with prisms; architectural mosaic tile face mounted on board; fully carved marble sculpture of nude lady; wonderful gimbal barometer; five (5) early American Indian baskets; Hercules Powder Co. advertising poster, “Not this time Pal”; scale model of the Schooner Red Jacket by John Gamage, 1925-2009, veteran of Omaha Beach WWII; Miller leaded glass table lamp; good lot of umbrellas; hand hammered copper arts and crafts box; pair of needlepoints by S. Bidu; antique cranberry swirl hanging hall lamp.

Miller&Sons-London English porcelain clock

Hand carved sleigh

Rare horseracing game

Eagle finial clock
Buckley 5 cent slot

40 in Arts-Crafts andirons

Mozac building tile

Red Jacket model

19th c weathervane
Boston artistic

Carved marble
Eskimo carved ivory

Gimble barometer
Stoneware items

Miller table lamp
Carved Victorian shoes

American Indian

Robert Indaina rug
Oversized pocket watch

30 in Champleve vase
Arts & Crafts

Old fishing reels

Set of 20 Dickens

Needlepoint Motto
Prism candlabra



Hercules Gun Power poster

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com
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