Annual Maine Winter Auction - January 15, 2012
Items of Interest
Rare 19th c. horse race game with mahogany boxed case, original condition, 19” x 19”, purchased at the old Fischer Tavern of Eastchester, NY Auction in the 1960s; wonderful porcelain and brass fancy mantle clock, cobalt blue with hand painted Sevres-style paintings by Miller & Sons, London; monumental set of andirons, 40” tall with large brass balls, Arts & Crafts period; large hand carved Chinese Trojan-style horse, 5 feet tall on wooden wheels; Boston artistic carved wall eagle; 5-cent Buckley Co. slot machine; rare mantle clock with eagle finial, claw feet and winged gods; Eskimo ivory cribbage board; brass chandelier with prisms; architectural mosaic tile face mounted on board; fully carved marble sculpture of nude lady; wonderful gimbal barometer; five (5) early American Indian baskets; Hercules Powder Co. advertising poster, “Not this time Pal”; scale model of the Schooner Red Jacket by John Gamage, 1925-2009, veteran of Omaha Beach WWII; Miller leaded glass table lamp; good lot of umbrellas; hand hammered copper arts and crafts box; pair of needlepoints by S. Bidu; antique cranberry swirl hanging hall lamp.
Miller&Sons-London English porcelain clock |
Hand carved sleigh |
Rare horseracing game |
Eagle finial clock |
Buckley 5 cent slot |
40 in Arts-Crafts andirons |
Mozac building tile |
Red Jacket model |
19th c weathervane |
Boston artistic |
Carved marble |
Eskimo carved ivory |
Gimble barometer |
Stoneware items |
Miller table lamp |
Carved Victorian shoes |
American Indian |
Robert Indaina rug |
Oversized pocket watch |
30 in Champleve vase |
Arts & Crafts |
Umbrellas |
Old fishing reels |
Set of 20 Dickens |
Needlepoint Motto |
Prism candlabra |
Toleware |
Needlepoint |
Needlepoint |
Needlepoint |
Hercules Gun Power poster |
Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 
Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com