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Important 2 Day Estate Auction - January 18, 2016

18th c. Tavern table with bread board ends, 48" long, 29" tall, circa 1790; diminutive button-foot Queen Anne table with drawer; Sheraton arm chair from the family of Civil War Major Lane S. Hart , purported to belong to him; Shaker No. 7 rocking chair; several other Shaker rockers ; early mahogany Grandfather clock with alterations but good proportions; Period Sheraton rope leg drop-leaf table with drawer; country pine open cupboard; 54" oak roll-top desk with raised panels; 48" roll-top desk with double banks; oak diminutive 3-door ice chest ; fancy carved arm chair with lion head arms, carved birds, fruit, etc. in crest; two (2) other lodge-type arm chairs; pair of stick & ball curio shelves with barley twist posts; Hepplewhite faux 2-drawer stand; Arts and Crafts arm chair with pierced slats, possible Roycroft; oak 4-drawer office file cabinet; wicker chaise lounge ; set of four (4) Victorian walnut balloon back chairs; plus many more pine blanket chests, stands, and useful country items.


Major Lane S Hart s Sheraton chair

Early Brass works Grandfather clock
18th c Country tap table (breadboard ends)

Oak raised panel roll-top desk
Boston Sheraton rope leg table with drawer

Queen Anne button foot tea table (restored)
Shaker rockers

Early Federal period mirror (some damage)

Hepplewhite faux 2 drawer stand
3 Windsor side chairs

19thc carved armchair with lion head arms

Great custom made Chippendale mirror
Diminutive oak ice chest

Arts and Crafts armchair

Pair of stick and ball curio shelves
Fancy carved oak chair

Victorian Ash and walnut chest
Country drop leaf table

Early carpenter tool chest

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com
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