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Important 2 Day Estate Auction - January 18, 2016
Jewelry ~ Silver ~ Etc.

Lady's Rolex 18K and stainless oyster perpetual date just wristwatch, recently serviced, great condition (a real gem); man's 14K ring with 3 diamonds; lot with seven (7) gold rings; 14K sapphire and seed pearl bar pin ; large 10-plus carat topaz dinner ring; emerald-cut amethyst ring and pendant ; 14K woven lady's bracelet; several sets of pearls; lot with four (4) sets of 14K earrings; lot with three (3) pocket watches, Howard, Hamilton, and Medora - all running; M.O.P. opera glass with telescoping holder, along with a silver perfume flask with funnel; silver Apostle spoon with touch marks; sterling silver flatware service for eight in box, plus additional pieces; carved jade frog, 4"; collection of souvenir spoons.


Rolex 18k oyster perpetual datejust 18k and stainless (recently serviced)
Saphire and sead pearl pin 14k

Amethyst ring and pendant 14k
Large topaz dinner ring 14k

Lot with 8 gold ringd
Lot with 4 sets of earings 14k

3 pocket watches all running
Pearls-2 lady s watches and 14k bracelet

Perfume and opera stick
Carved Jade frog

14k rings
Souvenir spoons and more

Apostle silver spoon

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com
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