Oil by Thomas Cutin 1899-1977 Vinalhaven Maine 24x30in |
oil by Carlton Chapman 1860-1925 10x18in |
Watercolor by Edwin Brown 1869-1931 |
Watercolor by Edwin Brown 1869-1931 |
Watercolor by Edwin Brown 1869-1931 |
Watercolor by T G Paulsen Townsend |
Large watercolor atrributed to Laurence Sisson b 1928 |
Signed Andrew Wyeth collotyype (Night Sleeper) |
Unsigned ship oil |
Remington catridge poster |
Large hand colored lithographs of Civil War generals |
H H Lioyd N Y 30x39in |
Pamoramic Lake Minnetonka Excelsor Minn 1916 |
Signed and remarqued Melbourne Brindle print |
Carroll Thayer Berry Rockport Harbor |
Confederate lead soldiers diorama lithograph |
Chinese hand colored woodblocks |
Largest Wallace Nutting colored photo |
Battle of Gettysburg lithograph 1864 |
unsigned oil of maine island home |
Handwritten 1738 document |
Tray lot of silhouettes |
Tray lot of Vinalhaven stereoviews and dags |
Watercolor signed E L Miller 1895 |