Auction - January 22nd, 2005
Ephemera - Toys - Collectibles
Found in the estate of Edgar Tepe of Camden, Maine a signed baseball
dated Aug. 15, 1929 "to Edgar Tepe from Babe Ruth",
also we have the contents of a Stueben, Maine attic untouched
since the 1930's consisting of books, photos, dolls, toys, games,
postcards, albums, quilts, dishes, probably 50+ box lots yet to
be sorted!! Highlights are: Civil War soldier dags probably the
20th Maine one lot, several postcard albums and misc. postcards.
Victorian scrapbook, doll's trunk w/clothes, lots of adv. Calendars
including 1926 Remington, 1927 Maas & Steffen Fur Co., 1945
Maxfield Parrish calendar "Sun Up", plus several later
rolled up lots! Wind-up toy Sulky Racer w/original box. Rare lot
of 6 Maine coast club photos mostly fishing, one with "Fly
Rod" Crosby a Maine character, misc. book lots, lot w/1930's
& 40's hunting gear belt ammo, knives, etc. Steam windmill
toy, advertising thermometer, Fro-joy ice cream sign, plus lots
Sulky with box
Civil War Images
Dolls trunk - old doll clothes
Islesboro store sign
Maas and Steffen Fur calendar
Maxfield Parrish calendar
Maine Coast Club photos
Misc. attic lots
More attic lots
Old Crazy Quilts
Signed Babe Ruth
1926 Remington calendar
Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 
Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com