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Fresh Estate Auction
Monday, April 7th, 2025, 4:00pm

preview day of auction only, 11am-4pm

Rockland Elks Lodge, 210 Rankin Street, Rockland, Maine

I’m pleased to announce yet another auction of fresh to the market antiques and collectibles for your buying pleasure. This sale will consist of the remaining contents from the West Gardiner, Maine collection which offers more country antiques, incredible early wrought iron lighting, great garden items including a rare cast iron fountain attributed to Fiske, bronze fountain with cherubs, other bronze and iron garden items.

Other highlights include: Rare cast iron fireback signed T. Elsley with Royal Coat of Arms, good country furniture, oriental and Native American rugs, several good lots of ephemera, writing arm Windsor chair signed J. Brown, Lincolnville, Maine, 1879-s Five dollar gold coin, several lots of coins, Lime Rock Railroad steam whistle with photos, 2 other brass steam whistles, 4 decoys, some sterling silver, clocks, and lots more!

This will be a fast paced country auction! Don’t to miss this one. We gladly accept absentee and live phone bidding. Hope to see you there!

My best, Bruce


Directions: Take Rte. 1A by-pass in Rockland on Broadway and follow auction signs at Rankin Street


19th c. cast iron fountain
Bronze fountain urn
Rare ship salvage auction notices, 1871

Early Maine dry sink
Windsor Chairmakers writing armchair
18th c. wrought iron candle stand

18th c. wrought iron candle stands
Atlas garden armillary sundial
Scrimshaw sailors whale tooth

Maine tin ballot storage box
Stell Shevis signed print
Stell Shevis signed print

Room size Heriz carpet
Porcelain Maine license plate
Rare railroad switch lantern with purple lens

Lime Rock Railroad steam whistle
2 early decoys
Antique toy tricycle

Porcelain garden seats
Graduated set of brass bells
Large collection of old post cards

Early copper barrel stencil
Early tin triple candle sconces
Cast iron gate

Sundail on white marble pedistal
Early rare lantern lot

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage48@gmail.com
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