Estate Auction - June 10, 2013
Wonderful bird's-eye maple dressing table handmade by Jay Hanna; several Bar Harbor wicker chairs and a child's rocker; Shaker #4 rocker; custom mahogany card table with reeded Sheraton legs; high quality mahogany leather-top desk; 19th c. dove-tailed blanket chest; set of six (6) Regency-style walnut chairs; Sheraton 2-drawer sewing table; boot jack end lift-top blanket chest; Victorian marble-top chest with glove boxes; Victorian 3-drawer chest with carved pulls; hanging wall shelf in walnut, circa 1890; small gateleg table; large gateleg table, circa 1930; pine 2-door matchboard pantry cupboard; plus several other chests and boxes; Victorian drop leaf table with 3 leaves; custom work table made by Jay with tiger maple base, 36"x60"; leather top japanned serpentine front 4-drawer chest; pair of pine captain's chairs; rare oak doctor's bevel glass cabinet with porcelain shelf and storage drawers.
Hanna birdseye maple made dressing table
Custom Mahogany card table

Shaker 2 and 4 rockers
Set of Regency period chairs

Sheraton sewing stand
19th c Bootjack end blanket chest

Victorian marble top
Bar Harbor wicker items

Custom gateleg table
Eastlake wall shelf

Victorian well dresser
Victorian walnut chest

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674