Estate Auction - June 10, 2013
Wonderful bird's-eye maple dressing table handmade by Jay Hanna; several Bar Harbor wicker chairs and a child's rocker; Shaker #4 rocker; custom mahogany card table with reeded Sheraton legs; high quality mahogany leather-top desk; 19th c. dove-tailed blanket chest; set of six (6) Regency-style walnut chairs; Sheraton 2-drawer sewing table; boot jack end lift-top blanket chest; Victorian marble-top chest with glove boxes; Victorian 3-drawer chest with carved pulls; hanging wall shelf in walnut, circa 1890; small gateleg table; large gateleg table, circa 1930; pine 2-door matchboard pantry cupboard; plus several other chests and boxes; Victorian drop leaf table with 3 leaves; custom work table made by Jay with tiger maple base, 36"x60"; leather top japanned serpentine front 4-drawer chest; pair of pine captain's chairs; rare oak doctor's bevel glass cabinet with porcelain shelf and storage drawers.
Hanna birdseye maple made dressing table |
Custom Mahogany card table |
Shaker 2 and 4 rockers |
Set of Regency period chairs |
Sheraton sewing stand |
19th c Bootjack end blanket chest |
Victorian marble top |
Bar Harbor wicker items |
Custom gateleg table |
Eastlake wall shelf |
Victorian well dresser |
Victorian walnut chest |
Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 
Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com