Estate Auction - June 10, 2013
Inuit ~ Nautical Items
Very rare 18th c. bridge sextant made by Jesse Ramsden, circa 1780, owned and used by Captain Herb Sylvester on the schooner Coastal Trade from Maine to Cuba; scale model of the "Anchor Hoy" in glass case by Jay Hanna; 19th c. sextant in pie case used by Capt. Jack Crowell; 19th c. captain's long scope; laminated ship builder's model, 30" long; hand carved eagle head by Hanna; two (2) bronze eagle head bowsprits designed by Jay Hanna; old shipbuilder's tools, pulleys, etc.; coffee table made from an old schooner hatch; hand carved bowsprit with star, etc.; 19th c. sailor-carved Dolphin wedge; two (2) dory models; carved walrus ivory Inuit figures include: hunter holding his spear, polar bear standing and one on all four legs; canoe with hunter and small seal on rock; rare walrus ivory gavel; 18" walrus ivory tusk; two 6" sperm whale teeth; harpoon attachment made of ivory and wood; stone-carved canoe with hunter; pre-Dorset pot found by Captain Crowell along with some ventifacts; woven Inuit scene by Marge Hanna; ink drawing of Inuit with dogsled, signed Jorgenson "53", probably drawn from life; plus more Crowell items!
18th c bridge sextant by Jesse Ramsden

Scale model of the (Anchor Hoy) by Hannna
Jack Crowell's sextant

Inuit diislay
19th c long scope

Hanna eagle head

Builders model 30 in
Bronze bowsprint (Hanna)

Polished Hanna bowsprint
Jay Hanna carvings

19th c Sailor carved dolphin wedge

Wood carved Hanna bowsprint
Hanna carving

Capt Jack Crowell and wife Alice
Crowell related Inuit items

Inuit walrus carvings
Hunter with spear

Inuit drawing signed Jorgensen 53
Pre-Dorset carved stone bowl

Inuit Walrus carving (Crowell)
Inuit ivory carving

Inuit ivory carving
Inuit ivory gavel

Inuit seal on rock
Inuit stone carving

Inuit stlye weaving by Marge Hanna

Pre-Dorset pot

Crowell found Ventifacts
Inuit stone carvings

Misc pulleys tools etc
Ship builders tools

More tools

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674