Auction - June 27th, 2005
Items of Interest
Rare set of oak drug store scales (penny), carved ivory box w/elephants,
hand carved Oriental corbel, portrait of Navel Officer w/sword,
architect model of house, decorative chandelier, chandelier w/shades
& prisms, slag glass table lamp, copper ship weathervane,
string of decoys from North Haven (all hand-made), old drug store
medicine bottles, old oak showcase, Civil War book "The Confederate
Soldier in the Civil War", old violin. 4 good lots of old
post cards, cast iron doorstop, large old bird cage, misc. store
tins, some store signs, old wooden sled, oak towel rack, old billy
club, silver plated chalice, mechanical elephant, mechanical horse
"as is" and Stief cat "as is", several lots
of old dolls from Pemaquid Harbor attic, large marble, lead soldiers,
2 oil paintings by Parker Gamage, 3 box lots of antique research
books, colored woodblock print signed Walter J. Phillips, early
book on Pharmaceutic Ration - alis "dated 1679 by Thos. Willis
w/foldouts, also a biography of Andrew Jackson 1833 pub. by R.
Hart Towner, adventure books by W.G. Hyrst, the orange, blue,
brown, red, violet and yellow fairy books, history of the Great
Rebellion by L. Stebbins 1863, old brass lantern, plus lots of
glass and china including Nippon, Depression, Lennox luncheon
set, some Fiesta Ware.
Drugstore penny scales
Brass Lantern etc.
Cast iron coal stove
Copper weather vane
Decorative hanging light
Hand carved corbel
Hanging shade
Attic stuff
Lead soldiers
Misc. old post cards
More fresh stuff
Naval Officer oil painting
Old book
Old dolls and toys
Old dolls
Old hooked rug
Old sword
Parker Gamage
Slag glass lamp
Store sign
Tin trunk with dolls
Woodblock print by Walter J. Phillips
Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963
Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com