Antique Auction

Monday, July 12th, 2004
5:30 PM

Rockland Elks Lodge, 210 Rankin Street, Rockland, Maine
Preview: 12 Noon to 5:30 PM - Day of Auction
Call or email with any questions!

Directions: Take Rte. 1A by-pass in Rockland on Broadway and follow auction signs at Rankin Street

We have a good fresh lot of antiques from the estate of Clarence Thurlow of Moody Mountain, along with several other local homes. Please join us for a fast paced 3-hour auction.
                                                                                                    - Bruce

   Dealers - Important Notice!
You must provide us a copy of your Resale Certificate to make non-tax purchases. We will keep them on file for you for future auctions. You may also fax us a copy, if you like, to (207) 594-0674. Thank you.

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674