Estates Auction - July 22, 2013
Books ~ Ephemera ~ Advertising

Rare 10-volume set of Authors Edition Books by Theodore Roosevelt . Only twenty-six copies of each were published by Gebbie and Company. This set is #3, elegantly bound with red leather and gold; set of eight (8) volumes by Francis Parkman, also bound in red leather; early Coca-Cola 5-cent cardboard ad ; 1950's Coca-Cola clock; several 1950's calendar girl nude colored prints used in those old garage calendars (remember?); album of Native American Indian postcards ; postcard size promotion for the wild west show "Battle of Little Big Horn" held on Tremont Street in Boston, circa 1900; Quaker State Oil button sign ; several lots of games, children's books, etc.;two (2) matchbook collections; album with a collection of military cards and planes, circa 1950; rare 1817 leather book titled "Topographical and Historical Description of Boston" by Charles Shaw, Esq.; carved wooden barrel sign "Veal Parmigiana"; plus miscellaneous lots of books, etc.

Theodore Roosevelt books 10 vols

Early Coke ad
1950s clock

Francis Parkman 8 vols
1950s Calendar girls

Album with Native American cards

Wild West ad front

Quacker State button sign
Old games etc

Carved wood sign
Military WW2 card album

Chidrens books etc

Old match book collection

Old scrap books

Childrens books
Maine Railroad stuff

Misc. books

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674