Estates Auction - July 22, 2013

Thirty-six inch (36") builder's half-model of the schooner Uncle Sam , Thomaston, Maine ; early ship's bronze bell; three (3) early sextants, two with pie-case boxes; a pair of large ship lights; early handmade ship model; two (2) oversized brass oarlocks; hand carved gold John Bellamy-style eagle by William A. Libbey.

Schooner Uncle Sam Thomaston Me

Early Ships bell
19th c Octant

Ship Model
Early octant

Octant cased as is

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674