Estate Auction - July 24, 2006
Paintings and Prints
O/C by W. Staples Drown 1896 with cottage and flowers
10” x
14” signed L.L., pair of wonderful watercolors signed W.P. Patern 1883,
5” x 7” in old frames, o/c Hudson River painting with tee pee’s,
river, etc 9” x 12” signed Hofta, o/c seascape
with cliffs, people, etc, unreadable signature 12” x 18”, o/b of
lady signed S.T. Hsley 1901 13” x 19”, 4 watercolors
by Francis Owen, stillife painting by Thomas, o/b by Robert
Morse, ink drawing by S. Cartwright of boat “Mary L.”, o/c with deer,
sports afield etc., plus more!!
W. Staples Drown 10x14in. |
Close-up Drown |
9x12in. 19th c. Hudson
River painting |
Half model |
F. Owen |
F. Owen (4) |
Half model |
Oil painting by Ames |
Oil on board 19th c. |
Close-up 19th c. painting |
Pair of watercolors 5x7 |
Close-up watercolor |
Pair of watercolors |
Robert Morse |
S.T. Hsley 1901 |
Stillife by S. Thomas |
Stillife |
Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 
Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com