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Maine Summer Auction
Monday, August 16th, 2021, 4:00pm

Previews Sunday Aug.15 th 3pm-6pm, day of auction 10am-4pm

Rockland Elks Lodge, 210 Rankin Street, Rockland, Maine

We invite you to join us for our annual summer auction of fine antiques, oriental rugs, paintings, folk art, fine sterling silver, period American furniture, soft paste china, Asian items, and wonderful decorative collectibles from Maine estates, as well as items deaccessioned from the Henry Knox Museum, Thomaston, Maine.

Highlights include: pen, ink, and oil on panel signed Wm. Van De Velde, 1690; rare 13 spindle Windsor arm chair w/incised colonies on each spindle and incised scenes on the seat; William and Mary period reclining lounge; portrait of the schooner Etta A. Stimpson, Thomaston, Maine attributed to William P. Stubbs; rare Grenfell rug; important Satsuma punch bowl; 3 carat emerald cut diamond ring; large size 18k hunting case pocket watch with unusual dial arrangement; large selection of oriental rugs from the Knox museum; incredible selection of sterling silver; bronze of Bartolomeo Colleoni by Andrea Del Verrocchio cast in Paris for Tiffany & Co.; Queen Anne cherry highboy; fine 19 th c. full size pool table totally restored, circa 1870; paintings and prints; hooked rugs; 18k Tiffany open face pocket watch; good marine items and carvings; 2 sets of early dragon style wrought iron andirons; plus much more! Look for 100+ images and the auction listing on the website soon.

My best, Bruce


Directions: Take Rte. 1A by-pass in Rockland on Broadway and follow auction signs at Rankin Street


Willem Van De Velde,1690, pen,ink,oil on panel, 10.25x12.75 in.

(13) spindle windsor with incised 13 colonies and buildings

William and Mary reclining lounge

William P. Stubbs (attrib.) Etta A. Stimpson, 22x36in.

Rare Grenfell rug, 20x26in.
Persian runner 3'3 x 10'6

Important Satsuma punch bowl

Large size 18k pocket watch with unusual dial arrangement

Pair of Persian runners, 3.5x 14'

(2) wonderful leaded panels, 16in dia.
Early cherry restored Queen Anne highboy

Queen Anne wing chair

Pair of rare early hoof foot stools
Caucasian runner, 3'9 x 10'9

Incredible pr. French silver candlabras, 14in. tall, 170 t.oz.

Fantastic 19th c. mahogany carved bed

Pair of Georg Jensen compotes, 3.5in. tall 6.5in. dia.

Watercolor of Castine,Me. by Charles Rousse circa 1875
19th c. 12 drawer apothecary cabinet

Early English candlesticks
Tiffany 18k pocket watch by Touchon & Co. original box

Early hammered silver double handled compotes, unmarked
Eider drake Maine decoy

Bronze of Bartolomeo Colleoni by Andrea Del Verrochio

Oil on board titled (sea stack) by Russell Smith 1945-2015, 15x20in.
Oil on canvas titled(moving elements) by Russell Smith 1945-2015, 22x30in.

Persian Sarouk, 12'3x13'4in.

18thc. Chippendale claw and ball foot lowboy cabinet

Wonderful Chinese Export cabinet, 26.5in.w
Folk Art carved eagle on shield,14in.

(7) Famille Rose Longevity plates

Early American drysink in original blue paint
Persian camel hair runner, 3'3x10'6in.
Scarce 19th c. rotating hardware store cabinet

Early English sterling footed tray marked RM over RC

Life of Henry Knox with 2 handwritten letters

Silver and enamel miniature

Grenfell 12in. mat
Great folk art carved birds on mushroom

Rock crystal gilt bronze encrusted jar, 4.5in.
Caucasian rug, 3'7in.x5'3in.

Metropolitan Steamship Company colored lithograpg 24x34in.

Eastport sign

18th c. Queen Anne corner commode
Oil by George Frederick Teyssen 1873-1955, 5x 5 x 6in.

Folk Art carved deer mount
Oil by George Frederick Teyssen, 1873-1955, 7.25x 9.5in.

E.E.Finch warecolor Camden, Me. presented to his student,1849 (2)
Hodgson & Kennard,Co. horn and Shreve, Crump & Low shell dish

Watercolor of Venice by Carlo Menegazzi 1856-1920, 15in.x26in.
Iron sculpture by Nina Scott Hansen

Lithograph titled Grand Reception of the Notables at the White House 1865,16x20in.
Snuff bottle with erotic scene

.Lithograph titled Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation 1864,17x18in.
Published by S.A. Peters & Co. Hartford
Snuff bottle with erotic scene

Lithograph Abraham Lincoln by John Spartain, Phila.
Folk Art Bellamy style carved eagle. 36in.

Watercolor of Chocorua in N.H. signed and dated 1930
Wonderful simple tugboat watercolor

18th c. Queen Anne wing chair, make-do repair on rear leg
Carroll Thayer Berry woodblock print titled (Windjammer in Rockport,Maine)

19th c. Boston Sheraton sofa with rope legs and ormolu mounts

Pr. of Chinese table urns with rosewood stands
Pine settle bench with bracket feet

(5) Royal Crown Derby dinner plates

Wonderful wing foot Federal sofa
Sterling silver

Early stylized hand forged lion andirons 37.5in. tall
Persian rug, 4'2in.x5'8in.

Centenial Set of (8) Chippendale dining chairs
Cast iron fireplace plate

Unusual shaped stoneware 3 gallon crock, decorated both sides
Collection of postcards and albums from the Thondike family of Rockland,Me

Early Tribal rug, (some wear)
Sterling salad forks

1837 Senate report of Owls Head harbor and Cobscook Bay with fold-out maps

Persian rug, 4'6in.x6'5in.

Gorham sterling silver partial set, 47.2 troy oz.
Early Tekke Turkomen rug, 3'6x5'2in.

Classical sheffield silver tureen
Decorated leather Chinese box, brass bound,circa 1860

19th c. burl walnut commode
Small Persian Sarouk mat, 2'x2'5in.
Set of lobster dishes with crab butter dishes

Small Lillihan Sarouk, 2'2 x 2'7in.
Foot long photo of earlt submarine
Hand wrought dragon andirons 30.5 in. tall

Awsome vintage pair of leather Bergeres
Fine burl walnut 15 drawer apoyhacay chest

Wonderful early pool table with inlay plus accessories
.Early American drysink in original blue paint

Large framed photo of the torpedo boat (Biddle) built in Bath,Me
Seth Thomas ships clock on stand, proported to have come from Southern Island lighthouse

(2) Victorian Daum Nancy style art glass vases
27in. blown glass domes with feather made flowers. dome has provinance
Provinance for the 2 domes 27in. tall

Little Giant boat whistle, E.A. Gill, Gloucester,Ma.

Japanese black laquer 7 pc. corner shelf
Seth Thomas brass ships clock, inside bells

Bronze gilt girandoles with prisms. 24in
Bronze girandoles, 20in.
Bronze gilt giradoles with frosted etched globes. 22in.

2.12 carat center stone , 3.12 carat total weight


Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com
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