Annual Maine Summer Auction - August 19, 2013
Items of Interest ~ Native American

Rare half plate daguerreotype of the sidewheeler steam ship Forest City. This boat was involved in the Confederate raid of Portland Harbor during the Civil War. Along with it is the other half plate with two gentlemen surely connected with this sidewheeler; quarter plate ambrotype of a hotel; rare eighth plate of a miner holding a rock hammer; finely inlaid English tea caddy with original cloth interior; handcarved eagle by Lloyd Thomas, Camden, Maine, 20" long; rare wooden steamship model of the St. Louis, 35" long; carved wooden eagle, "Don't Give Up the Ship" by Boston Artistic Company, 28" long; wonderful large Seth Thomas banjo clock with painted battle scenes and eagles; cast iron smoking stand with butler in tuxedo; rare pair of Northwest Indian canoe paddles with original paint decoration, 44" long, circa 1880; 54" birch bark canoe, probably a salesman's sample; 18-inch birch bark canoe, coil basket; birch bark box; birch bark basket; finely woven Southwest Indian basket; early totem with eagle top in original paint, 20" tall; pair of vegetable dyed saddlebags; original decorated mantel clock with eagle tablet by E. M. Barnes, Bristol, Conn.; several early hog scraper candlesticks; early enamel curtain tie-backs; Shaker measures; White Star Lines office lithograph with booklet; leather bound book of marching sheet music with some color covers; builder's half model made by Tommy Orne, Southport, Maine, 34" long; builder's half model of The Lump built by Tommy Orne, 24" long; Native American bird carving, 14" tall; early Chinese bronze vase, 8-1/2" tall; original stenciled green wheelbarrow with wooden sides; cased ship model of the Josephine May; 19th c. hand-wrought caulking iron with adjustable settings; two (2) pair of early wrought iron andirons; croquet set in original condition and in its original box; Andrew Wyeth bronze cased medal; Tiffany carriage clock; ship's clock mounted on mahogany board; wonderful cased scale model of a 3-masted schooner; pair of cold painted Chinese bronze figures, 10" tall; five (5) Newhall-Coyle family bibles; 7-foot string of sleigh bells on a board; early carved ivory Chinese vase, 6" tall with insects, etc.; Maine Indian snowshoes.

Sidewheeler Forest City half plate daguerreotype
Gentlemen with the sidewheeler

Quarter plate ambrotype
Worker holding a rock hammer eighth plate

Fine inlaid tea caddy

Boston Artistic carved eagle
Hand carved eagle by Lloyd Thomas Camden Maine

Rare wooden steamer model St Louis 35 in long

Seth Thomas Banjo clock

Cast iron smoking stand circa 1890

North West Indian decorated canoe paddles

54 in Canoe model and American Indian items
Early totem in original paint 20 in tall

Decorated shelf clock E M Barnes Bristol Ct

Vegetable dyed sacddle bags
Early hog scraper candlesticks

Fine Native American basket

Early enamel curtain tie backs
Shaker measures

Native carved bird

White Star Line office lithograph and book
Very early Chinese bronze vase

Merle D James used palette and painting
Wrought iron 19th c ships caulking iron

Great old wheelbarrow
Early wrought iron andirons

Early Newhall-Coyle family bibles Portland Maine

Scale ship model Josephine May
Scale model with glass case

Rare music book of marches

Builders half models by Thomas Orne Southport Me

Early tin sconces
Ships clock

Rare Croquet set in original box

Tiffany carriage clock
Andrew Wyeth bronze medal

Cold painted Chinese bronze figures
Early brass and pewter candle sticks

Collection of name plates from deceased love ones

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674