Annual Maine Summer Auction - August 20, 2012
Antique Furniture
18th c. Queen Anne lowboy with herringbone inlay, in original condition, 29-3/4" wide, 32" tall (old replaced brass); Biedermeier 2-piece blind door step-back cupboard, 57" wide, 84" tall, 23" deep; Chippendale claw & ball foot side chair with fan-carved skirt; Grandfather clock with General Henry Knox Mansion history; arrow-back Hitchcock settee; 7' stretcher base harvest table; 18th c. 2-drawer tavern table with stretcher base in original condition; Period Chippendale wing chair with reed legs exaggerated features; set of six (6) Penn. balloon back chairs; decorated Penn. blanket chest with turned feet; early continuous arm Windsor chair; several good Windsor armchairs and side chairs; early Maine round chair table; rare slant front country desk with old red paint; early Maine hutch table in original red paint; three (3) Hepplewhite country stools; 4-drawer Hepplewhite chest, 39" wide with inlaid drawer fronts; 4-drawer ogee foot Boston chest, 37" wide, 33" tall; 3-drawer Sheraton work table; Maine maple drop-leaf work table; Queen Anne mahogany swing leg table with rounded leaves; Queen Anne swing leg table with square leaves; several country Queen Anne side chairs; plus lots of Period stands, shelf, chairs, and more.
Queen Anne lowboy |
18th c Tavern table |
Biedermier cupboard |
Decorated PA blanket chest |
Biedermier side table |
Chippendale side chair |
Chippendale wing chair |
Gen Henry Knox mansion clock |
Early Harvest table 6' 10in long |
Set of 6 Birdcage windsors |
Inlaid Hepplewhite chest |
18th c Ogee foot mahogant chest |
Continous arm windsor arm chair |
Hitchcock Settle bench |
Good winsor arm chair |
Grand Tour early server |
Maine chair table |
Rare country pine desk in paint |
Maine hutch table in red paint |
Set of 6 Balloon back chairs |
Sewing transitional sewing stand |
Early arm chair with heart shaped spat |
Early green paint stools |
Bench made butterfly tablr |
Spade foot candle stand |
Sponge decorated blanket chest |
Hepplewhite work table |
Early rocker |
Transitional dining roon cabinet 1840 |
Hepplewhite chest |
Corner chair |
Queen Anne table |
Queen Anne chair |
Queen Anne table |
Early Blanket chest |
Ladder back chairs |
Carved canphorwood chest |
Leather top English stand |
Inlaid commode stand |
Mahogant nest of tables |
Wonderful marquetry corner chair |
Early country shelf |
European arm chair |
Early corner cupboard |
18 th c tea table |
Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 
Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com