Annual Maine Summer Auction - August 20, 2012
Antique Furniture

18th c. Queen Anne lowboy with herringbone inlay, in original condition, 29-3/4" wide, 32" tall (old replaced brass); Biedermeier 2-piece blind door step-back cupboard, 57" wide, 84" tall, 23" deep; Chippendale claw & ball foot side chair with fan-carved skirt; Grandfather clock with General Henry Knox Mansion history; arrow-back Hitchcock settee; 7' stretcher base harvest table; 18th c. 2-drawer tavern table with stretcher base in original condition; Period Chippendale wing chair with reed legs exaggerated features; set of six (6) Penn. balloon back chairs; decorated Penn. blanket chest with turned feet; early continuous arm Windsor chair; several good Windsor armchairs and side chairs; early Maine round chair table; rare slant front country desk with old red paint; early Maine hutch table in original red paint; three (3) Hepplewhite country stools; 4-drawer Hepplewhite chest, 39" wide with inlaid drawer fronts; 4-drawer ogee foot Boston chest, 37" wide, 33" tall; 3-drawer Sheraton work table; Maine maple drop-leaf work table; Queen Anne mahogany swing leg table with rounded leaves; Queen Anne swing leg table with square leaves; several country Queen Anne side chairs; plus lots of Period stands, shelf, chairs, and more.

Queen Anne lowboy
18th c Tavern table

Biedermier cupboard

Decorated PA blanket chest
Biedermier side table

Chippendale side chair

Chippendale wing chair

Gen Henry Knox mansion clock

Early Harvest table 6' 10in long

Set of 6 Birdcage windsors
Inlaid Hepplewhite chest

18th c Ogee foot mahogant chest
Continous arm windsor arm chair

Hitchcock Settle bench

Good winsor arm chair
Grand Tour early server

Maine chair table
Rare country pine desk in paint

Maine hutch table in red paint
Set of 6 Balloon back chairs

Sewing transitional sewing stand
Early arm chair with heart shaped spat

Early green paint stools
Bench made butterfly tablr

Spade foot candle stand
Sponge decorated blanket chest

Hepplewhite work table
Early rocker

Transitional dining roon cabinet 1840

Hepplewhite chest
Corner chair

Queen Anne table
Queen Anne chair

Queen Anne table

Early Blanket chest
Ladder back chairs

Carved canphorwood chest
Leather top English stand

Inlaid commode stand

Mahogant nest of tables
Wonderful marquetry corner chair

Early country shelf
European arm chair

Early corner cupboard

18 th c tea table

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674