Annual Maine SummerAuction ~ August 21, 2017, 1pm
Items of Interest
Early Native American beaded bandolier

Early Pa German fraktur dated 1795
Early watercolor fraktur dated 1838 Early salmon painted furkins

Louis Vuitton suitcase

Folk Art needlepoint sampler with Afican American figures,animals symbols

Early fine silk needlepoint sampler
Early Fratur

Decorated Maine dresser box
Maine decorated candle box Pillar and Scoll mantle clock

Rare hand painted 18thc. tole tray
Original store sign 5' long

Rare cloth lithograph Christmas stocking

Chanphorwood captain's desk box
Early tole painted tray
Leaded glass colored window

2 Early leather document boxes
18thc. English brass trivets

Nina Holdon bronze 12.5in. tall
Swiss music box

Empire O.G. mantle clock
Bronzed cat by Dewitt

Cast Iron penny bank
Cast Iron doorstop
Pair of Delft style covered jars

. Stoneware ovid jug

Pair of Bristol glass vases
Blown flint glass decanters

Frosted glass large tray
Boheimian cordial set

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674