Annual Maine SummerAuction ~ August 21, 2017, 1pm |
Items of Interest |
Early Native American beaded bandolier
Early Pa German fraktur dated 1795 |
Early watercolor fraktur dated 1838 |
Early salmon painted furkins |
Louis Vuitton suitcase |
Folk Art needlepoint sampler with Afican American figures,animals symbols |
Early fine silk needlepoint sampler
Early Fratur |
Decorated Maine dresser box
Maine decorated candle box |
Pillar and Scoll mantle clock |
Rare hand painted 18thc. tole tray
Original store sign 5' long |
Rare cloth lithograph Christmas stocking |
Chanphorwood captain's desk box |
Early tole painted tray |
Leaded glass colored window |
2 Early leather document boxes |
18thc. English brass trivets |
Nina Holdon bronze 12.5in. tall |
Swiss music box |
Empire O.G. mantle clock |
Bronzed cat by Dewitt |
Cast Iron penny bank |
Cast Iron doorstop |
Pair of Delft style covered jars
Pair of Bristol glass vases
Blown flint glass decanters
Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 
Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com