Maine Summer Auction - Monday - August 22, 2005
Glass, China & Silver

Large sterling silver tea service with sterling tray Sanborns .925 Mexico, Gorham sterling silver flatware service of eight with serving pieces Lyric pat., Misc. sterling, 3 spoons by Jabez Gorham 1792-1815, Large selection of Rose Medallion china including 3 compotes, serving dishes, plates, etc. over 50 pcs., Capi-De-Monte jewelry box 12" tall, 6 etched crystal bowls with eagles & shield motif, complete service of Copland china Fairy Bell pat. consisting of 2 barrels not yet unpacked! Chinese Export vase, cut glass bowl signed Hawkes, 10 more pcs. of good cut glass, blue Moorecroft bowl with fruit, 2 Meissen 11" plates with raised flowers, over size cut glass vase, set of Tiffany demitasse cups, pair of cobalt candlesticks, several pcs. of Royal Worchester, Mulberry water pitcher, soft paste tea set with teapot, creamer, 4 cups with saucers (deer motif), several sets of dinner plates, plus more dishes, china, and silver!

Sterling Silver Tea Set
Arts and Crafts Tile

KPM Painting on porcelain signed Wagner
Close-up of Wagner

Export Tea Set with Deer
Tiffany Demitasse Cups

More Sets
Misc. Glassware

Etched Crystal Eagle Motif
French Plates

Export Tea Set
Mandarin China with Butterflies

Set of 12 English
Set of 12

Royal Worchester
Partial Set of Dishes

Crystal Ash Trays
Rose Medalion Compotes

Misc. Cut Glassware
Moorecroft Bowl etc.

18th c. Pewter Stein
Touch Marks on stein

Sterling Heart Shaped Frame
Misc. Glassware

Copeland Spode
Gold Band Plates

More Spode - Fairy Bell
Rose Medalion Plates

Rose Medalion Platters
Chinese Export

Set of 12 Game Plates
Sterling Flatware

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674