Maine Summer Auction - Monday - August 22, 2005

Wonderful mahogany Grandfather clock with brass works, moon dial and inlaid case from the Estate of Captain C.W. Manning, Damariscotta, ME, Queen Anne tiger maple highboy circa 1790 directly from Camden, ME, some restoration "as is", Very rare decorated Sheraton country game table with 3 color decoration, as found barn condition, 18th century mahogany Pembroke table with cross stretchers, all original, 18th century Penn. bench with trundle in seat, 18th century Penn. walnut tall chest 3 drawers over 4 ft. in as found condition with restored feet, Q/A style wing chair with carved knees, 6 ft. Sheraton harvest table with drawer and old refinish, old pine dry sink, 2 yellow decorated 4 ft. benches, early Sheraton mahogany wash stand, Hepplewhite drop leaf table, Victorian walnut 3-pc. bedroom set fit for modern full size mattress, Victorian walnut slant front desk, Rosewood cocktail bar with swivel glass racks and mirrors, 6 ft. baker's table with stainless steel top! Pair of library chairs, one drawer Sheraton stand, Victorian walnut armoire with 2 doors, 2 drawer Sheraton stand, custom mahogany knee hole desk, wing chair, curio desk, leather top tables, pie crust table and more custom! Also pine lift top commode, gate leg table, old pine straight cupboard, oak curio shelf with mirror, Stickley and Brant chair, plus much more!!

18th c. Pembroke table
Hepplewhite table

Custom Piecrust Table
Early Pine Desk

18th c. Penn. Chest
Tiger Maple Highboy

Queen Anne Wing Chair

Wing Chair
Mahogany Curio Desk

Set of 8 Tiger Maple Chairs
Close-up Tiger Chair

Decorated Country Game Table
Side View Game Table

French Style Chest
Oak Curio

Old Pine Dry Sink
Rosewood Bar

Yellow Decorated Bench

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674