Maine Summer Auction - Monday - August 22, 2005
Items of Interest

Rare carousel horse by C.N. Parker 6 1/2' long w/armor, in old park paint directly from a Tenants Harbor family. American Folk Art wash stick w/chip carving from top to bottom, achorn top w/snakes, Tiffany and Co. Brass Carriage clock 13" tall, wonderful ship diorama w/rope carved frame, classical design candelabra w/6 arms and dancing ladies around the base 32" tall w/silver wash, 19th c. ship's wheel 30" diameter, Arts and Craft tile w/ship, 4' hand-made ship model of the "Gasp Trader" made in Pemaquid Harbor circa 1920, hand carved fish by Lloyd Thomas of Camden, ME. Burl walnut mortar w/pestal, Navaho rug by Fred Harvey, 2' x 3', large gold frame w/rope design 32' x 48' w/minor chips, 18th c. 12" push-up candlesticks, pair of crystal astro lamps w/prisms, 2 Folk Art dolls made by Barbara Merry of Maine known nationwide for her hooked rugs! Pair of cloisonne candlesticks, Deft lamp, George W. Eldridge's Harbor Chart book circa 1900 (large), Rosewood melodion made in Buffalo, N.Y., old hand carved bellows, birdcage, butter churn, corner porch bench, baskets & lots more!

Carousel Horse by C.N. Parker

Rare Candelabra
Close up Candelabra

Tiffany Carriage Clock
Mahogany Grandfather Clock

Rare Chart Book
Crooked Knives

Wash stick
Wash stick close up

Folk Art Dolls
Navaho Rug by Fred Harvey

18th Century Push Ups
Lloyd Thomas Carving

Wonderful Checkerboard
Close-up Checkerboard

Burl Modar

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674