Annual Maine Summer Auction - August 22, 2016
Items of Interest
17th c. carved lectern desk with interior drawer, highly carved oak, circa 1680; 4-inch Chinese carved antique horn Buddha, possibly early rhino horn; early 20th c. Folk Art ship's sheet metal weathervane; three (3) porcelain regimental canteens; Maine redware jug with wonderful spotted manganese glaze, circa 1820; early Mexican terra cotta Madonna and child, 17½" tall with polychrome paint; wonderful carved marble squash sitting on bronze leaf base, 12" diameter; early Italian carved wooden scholar figure; 18th c. fine brass 10" candlesticks; three (3) wonderful antique carved ivory immortals, 6"-8" tall of the finest carving; hand painted red tole tray with base, tray has landscape painting with castle, river, donkeys, etc., trimmed in gold leaf; four (4) antique miniature ivory Japanese carvings, netsuke-style and size; mid 19th c. Santos polychrome wood carving; rare elephant cast iron doorstop by Davison & Co.; plus many more items of interest.
18th c carved lecturn desk |
Carved marble squash on bronze base 12in diameter |
Terracotta relief sculpture 19th c with polychrome enamel |
Antique Chinese carved horn 4in buddah |
Antiques carved ivory 6in. God figures |
Early glazed stoneware jug |
Large sheet weathervane |
Rare regimental canteens |
Early Italian carved scholar figure |
(5) scarce letter openers |
Hand painted tole tray with stand |
Antique Japanese carved ivory netsuke size figures |
Santos, mid-19th c polychrome wood carving |
Early brass bound leather box |
Great pair of 18thc brass candlesticks |
Rare Jumbo doorstop |
Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 
Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com