Annual Maine Summer Auction - August 22, 2016
Early Silver
18th c. American silver porringer by Samuel Casey , Newport, R.I.,[1724-1779], 7½" long; trefid spoon, circa 1700 by Laurence Coles, London; 18th c. hot water urn attributed to Robert & David Hennell, 21" tall; sterling tray, 1787 London by Richard Carter, Daniel Smith & Robert Sharp, 29" long; 18th c. teapot marked WCD, 1785, William Dempster or Wm. Davie; Russian silver creamer, 1836, assayed by Nikolam Dvbrovin; pair of sterling covered vegetable dishes with 1798 presentation worn marks by 18th century; four (4) bottle cruet set with 1777 silver holder by David Hennell, London; 18th c. silver tea caddy, 1782, attributed to Walter Brind; gravy boat by William Skeen, 1774; small Russian teapot with mark of Mikhail Sokolov, Moscow, 1894 with gold-washed interior, 6" tall; salver by Ebenezer Coker, 1761, 7" wide; 18th c. chocolate pot, 1734, Dublin; Loving Cup 1720, London, Richard Scarlett or Samuel Green; footed salver by John Robinson II, London, 1743, 10" tall; footed salver 1785 by John Schofield; salver by Joseph Steward II, London, 1779; pair of 7" candlesticks with Corinthian columns and ram heads; brandy sauce pan by Henry Chawner, London, 1786; two (2) Shakers by Thomas Spackman, 1716 and James Jennings, 1758; fish server by Chawner and Co., 1845; 28 pieces of Georg Jensen flatware; cobalt lined open basket by William Plummer, 1778, along with a mustard jar, 1808, London; cream pitcher by William Holmes, 1772, and a small beaker with Paris city marks, 1780; cheese scoop, 1822 by Wm. Eley & Wm. Fearn and sugar tongs by Wm. Bateman, 1818; pair of ladles by Wm. Eley and Wm. Fearn, 1822; tray lot with 18th c. spoons, sugar shovels, etc., plus more.
Important silver porringer by Samual Casey 1723-1773 |
Estate sterling silver from the18th and 19th c mostly touchmarked |
Marked WCD 1785 |
Trefid spoon Lawrence coles 1700 |
Russian creamer 1836 assayed by Nikolam Dvbrovin |
Hot water urn attributed to Robert and David Hennell 1795 |
David Hennell 1777 |
Sterling covered vegetable dishes 1798 |
Sterling tray -Richard Carter Daniel Smith and Robert Sharp 1787 (29in long) |
Attributed to Walter Brind 1782 |
William Skeen 1774 |
Mark of Mikhail Sokolov Moscow 1984 |
Ebenezer Coker 1761 |
Dublin 1734 |
Richard Scarlett or Samuel Green 1720 |
1743 John Robinson II 10in.dia |
John Scofield 1785 |
Joseph Steward II 1779 (6in.) |
Sterling with ram heads 7in tall |
Henry Chawner 1786 |
Unmarked salver |
Thomas Spackman 1716 and James Jennings 1758 |
Chawner and co. 1845 |
Georg Jensen |
William Plummer 1772 and London 1808 mustard |
z William Holmes 1772 creamer and beaker with Paris mark |
Wm Eley and Wm Fearn 1822 cheese scoop -William Bateman tongs 1818 |
Early lot with 18th c spoons etc |
Pr by Wm Eley and Wm Fearn 1822 |
Sterling lot |
Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 
Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com