Annual Maine Summer Auction - August 22, 2016
Early Silver

18th c. American silver porringer by Samuel Casey , Newport, R.I.,[1724-1779], 7½" long; trefid spoon, circa 1700 by Laurence Coles, London; 18th c. hot water urn attributed to Robert & David Hennell, 21" tall; sterling tray, 1787 London by Richard Carter, Daniel Smith & Robert Sharp, 29" long; 18th c. teapot marked WCD, 1785, William Dempster or Wm. Davie; Russian silver creamer, 1836, assayed by Nikolam Dvbrovin; pair of sterling covered vegetable dishes with 1798 presentation worn marks by 18th century; four (4) bottle cruet set with 1777 silver holder by David Hennell, London; 18th c. silver tea caddy, 1782, attributed to Walter Brind; gravy boat by William Skeen, 1774; small Russian teapot with mark of Mikhail Sokolov, Moscow, 1894 with gold-washed interior, 6" tall; salver by Ebenezer Coker, 1761, 7" wide; 18th c. chocolate pot, 1734, Dublin; Loving Cup 1720, London, Richard Scarlett or Samuel Green; footed salver by John Robinson II, London, 1743, 10" tall; footed salver 1785 by John Schofield; salver by Joseph Steward II, London, 1779; pair of 7" candlesticks with Corinthian columns and ram heads; brandy sauce pan by Henry Chawner, London, 1786; two (2) Shakers by Thomas Spackman, 1716 and James Jennings, 1758; fish server by Chawner and Co., 1845; 28 pieces of Georg Jensen flatware; cobalt lined open basket by William Plummer, 1778, along with a mustard jar, 1808, London; cream pitcher by William Holmes, 1772, and a small beaker with Paris city marks, 1780; cheese scoop, 1822 by Wm. Eley & Wm. Fearn and sugar tongs by Wm. Bateman, 1818; pair of ladles by Wm. Eley and Wm. Fearn, 1822; tray lot with 18th c. spoons, sugar shovels, etc., plus more.

Important silver porringer by Samual Casey 1723-1773

Estate sterling silver from the18th and 19th c mostly touchmarked
Marked WCD 1785

Trefid spoon Lawrence coles 1700

Russian creamer 1836 assayed by Nikolam Dvbrovin

Hot water urn attributed to Robert and David Hennell 1795

David Hennell 1777

Sterling covered vegetable dishes 1798
Sterling tray -Richard Carter Daniel Smith and Robert Sharp 1787 (29in long)

Attributed to Walter Brind 1782
William Skeen 1774

Mark of Mikhail Sokolov Moscow 1984

Ebenezer Coker 1761
Dublin 1734

Richard Scarlett or Samuel Green 1720
1743 John Robinson II 10in.dia

John Scofield 1785
Joseph Steward II 1779 (6in.)

Sterling with ram heads 7in tall

Henry Chawner 1786
Unmarked salver

Thomas Spackman 1716 and James Jennings 1758
Chawner and co. 1845

Georg Jensen
William Plummer 1772 and London 1808 mustard

z William Holmes 1772 creamer and beaker with Paris mark
Wm Eley and Wm Fearn 1822 cheese scoop -William Bateman tongs 1818

Early lot with 18th c spoons etc
Pr by Wm Eley and Wm Fearn 1822

Sterling lot

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674