Annual Maine Summer Auction - August 24th, 2015
Important Letters ~ Books ~ Ephemera

Extremely important letter written in 1938 from Andrew Wyeth [1917-2009] to his sister Ann and her husband, John W. McCoy, with detailed study sketches of Caldwell Island and the Ridge Church. Both were made into paintings along with some wonderful personal information. This is a treasure and very rare. The letter has been professionally framed so as to be viewed in its entirety; letter plus three (3) signed documents by James DeWolf [1764-1837], legendary slave trader, privateer, senator from Rhode Island. Letter talks about the plantation in Cuba and is written to Benjamin Bradford, dated 1827, along with two (2) Bills of Sale for ships DeWolf owned, plus a chart of captured ships off the coast of Cuba; framed holly leaf taken from the Mount Vernon home of George Washington ; 1909 invitation to the inaugural of William Taft with carriage pass; three (3) Wyeth family Christmas music cards from the 1930s, music by Ann Wyeth, words by N. C. Wyeth, and drawings by Andrew Wyeth; several table size books by Charles Dana Gibson ; Books: All from the library of Charles Dana Gibson IV, author of several books along with his wife, Kay Gibson. Some highlights are: 1st edition "C.S.A. and the Battle of Bull Run" by Barnard; "Murder of the High Seas",1819; "The Trial of John Williams", and four (4) others; several 19th c. books on Indian Affairs and Ethnology ; narrative of the mutiny on board the ship Globe , 1928, by William Lay; old Jersey captive Thomas Andros, 1833; memoirs of Andrew Sherburne, 1828; 1820 shipwreck and sufferings of Eliza Bradley, with map; five (5) early coastal survey books 1859, 1861-63, and 1865, with maps; "Life and Death of Rebel Prisons" by Robert Kellogg, 1866; five (5) Atlantic Coast Pilots, 1879; 1918 U. S. Merchant Vessel book "War Instructions" with lead covers to throw overboard in case of capture; 1840 edition of "Two Tears Before the Mast" ; plus more books on the Civil War and nautical books. Go to our website for lots of images of the title pages.

Andrew Wyeth hand written letter

1827 letter written by James DeWolf (slave trader)

DeWolf ship ownership
Leaf from holly tree Mt Vernon (Washingtons)

DeWolf ship ownership deed

Dewolf list of captured privateers

1909 William Taft Inaugural program and pass

was Charles Dana Gibsons
Signed by Andrew Wyeth for a youny lad

(3) Wyeth family 1930s Christmas music




Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674