Estates Auction - October 8th, 2005
Items of Interest

Symphonion disc music box w/18 metal 6-inch discs, Rare jeweled evening bag, A few interesting books from Hook library including: Mark Twain and Teddy Roosevelt, Children’s book lot, Shakespeare droll book, Some leather-bound books, 10+ box lots of books, Several costume jewelry lots, Cameo lot, Indian rug 5” x 7”, Braided rugs, Civil War buckle, Some early Chinese figures and masks, Several old mantel clocks, Large gutta percha dag case, several good dags, Tin type and cases, Military uniforms, Belts, Some instruments, Linens, Doorstop, Teak jewelry box, Large litho block puzzle, Snowshoes, 2 metal figures, 1929 sampler, Japanese dolls, 2 paisley shawls, Baskets, Wooden spice box w/original paint, Jade jar, Carved bone horse, Some vintage clothes, Meershcaum carved pipe, Photo lots, Fender guitar, Deco Chinese rug - 9” x 12”. Some Christmas lots. More!!

Disc music box
Close-up to music box

Carved wooden mask

Civil war buckle
Early carved figures

Early figures
German bisque doll

Gutta percha frame
Hooked rug

Indian rug 6x9
Japanese dolls in case

Jeweled evening bag
Large dag case

Large gutta percha case
Military belts

Misc. attic
Misc. Dags.

More attic stuff

More dag cases
Terra Cotta head

Vintage dress
Wooden spice set

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674