We are excited to offer this 2-day auction of fresh estate antiques plus over 50 pieces of fine jewelry from a prominent Camden, ME estate along with wonderful fresh estate items from Northeast Harbor, Thomaston, Rockport and Boston. We will be selling 300 lots each day. Remember the starting time of 1:00 pm each day!
Highlights include: early American and English furniture, rare find of 19th c. ship photographs and early views of Bangor, Bar Harbor, Portland and Rockland - all in their original frames, wonderful stoneware, early country antiques with a Winsor green turned large bowl, a very rare dirk, 2 swords, tiger maple musket with silver inlay, early quilts, quality glass and china, oriental rugs, 2 19th c. 5 foot arrow weathervane fresh from Islesboro, ME, running horse weathervane, and the list goes on. As I said over 50 pieces of fine jewelry along with lots of high quality costume jewelry to be sold over the 2 days. Do not miss the great line-up of fresh estate items! I will not disappoint you!