Estate Auction - November 16, 2014
Antique Furniture
Period Chippendale, 6-drawer tall chest, 36" wide, 56" tall, and 18" deep, in walnut with original brass; a wonderful 3-piece Victorian marble top bedroom set; Maine yellow decorated 2-drawer blanket chest; set of six (6) decorated fiddle back chairs; early schoolmaster's desk on frame; early pine open cupboard with scalloped molding; Adirondak arm chair; early child's settee; Hepplewhite Pembroke table; Conn. step down Windsor arm chair; 6-foot oval oak double pedestal conference table with claw feet (fine quality); Victorian turtle top marble table with fancy base; oak curved side glass china cabinet with claw feet; oak kitchen cabinet with glass doors; Indian Head Table Company round oak dining table with four (4) leaves; oak roll-top desk; open oak bookcase with mirror; pine corner cupboard; several fancy oak stands; set of six (6) oak dining chairs; 2-piece pine dry sink with cupboard top; several high quality pieces of furniture.
Period Chippendale chest |
Early childs settee |
Victorian 3pc Bedroom set |
Maine decorated blanket chest |
Indian Head Table Co |
Victorian turtle top stand |
Oak china cabinet |
Windsor arm chairs |
Rare 6ft.oak conference table |
7Ft leaded glass windows |
Maine pine open cupboard |
Adirondak armchair |
Decorated set of 4 Cottage chairs |
Cottage pine chest |
Regency candlestand |
Early dough tray with handles |
Set of 6 Fiddle back dining chairs |
Hepplewhite Pembroke table |
19th c Tool box with drawer |
Baltimore bamboo turned chair |
Oak roll top desk and more |
oak china cabinet |
Oak Kitchen cabinet |
Early decorated hanging cabinet |
Pine corner cupboard |
Early Schoolmasters desk |
Early organ |
Decorated Salem rocker |
Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 
Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com