Estate Auction - November 17, 2008

Items of Interest


Included in these items are interesting nautical items - some from the Charles William Beebe 1887-1962 expedition, along with a detailed log used on that voyage; Beebe and Otis Baron invented the “Bathysphere” and it is being used as these logs were written; scrimshaw sailor’s bust; wonderful handmade ship’s model with wall mounted glass case; carved ivory 4-inch round desk box with “Lady Grigg” scrimshawed inside top cover; whalebone pie crimper; sailor-carved desk box with whale on top; ivory rope-carved desk box; scrimshaw whale’s tooth; walrus ivory carving; interesting small items with ivory inserts; whalebone pulley; several ship-in-bottles; early sundial in small wooden hand-held case, circa 1830; 6-inch ivory or bone fishing lure with handmade hook, etc.; lot after lot of miscellaneous nautical items; sextant; compass; pond model; nautical instruments; gold scales; items and specimens collected on the Beebe expedition; carved ivory Japanese man holding bowl. Other items of interest include: Tiffany pin tray with weasels; Civil War sword; arts and crafts hammered andirons; early chopping tray; several Indian baskets; Hudson Bay trading blanket; art deco bronze candlestick in the form of a lady; 18 th C. copper pot with cover; small button collection; stamp collection; 8-drawer hanging spice box; 4-inch sterling shell dish; Victorian knife tray; two (2) sets of old sleigh bells; early altar wood carvings; lot with lamps and items from early Egyptian diggings; several Eskimo-carved stones, etc.; stoneware jug with blue décor; old wicker baby crib; decoys; large 18 th C. cauldron; doll and doll clothing; black marble mantle clock; plus more! Don’t miss this auction!!

Ship model

Attic items
Bisque doll

Blue plates
Bronze wall plaques

Carved alter figures

Copper stencils

Dentist sign
Early bronze items

Egyptian items
Eskimo carvings

Hand painted mushroom
Hat banners

Indian baskets
Ivory carvings

Mini figures
Miniature items

Old gas sign
Pond model

Powder flasks
Sailor scrimshaw

Ship in a bottle

Ship in a bottle
Shirley Temple

Silver plate
Tiffany bronze tray

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674