Auction - November 17, 2008
Included in these items are interesting nautical items - some
from the Charles William Beebe 1887-1962 expedition,
along with a detailed log used on that voyage; Beebe and Otis
Baron invented the “Bathysphere” and it is being
used as these logs were written; scrimshaw sailor’s
bust; wonderful handmade ship’s model with
wall mounted glass case; carved ivory 4-inch round desk box with “Lady
Grigg” scrimshawed inside top cover; whalebone
pie crimper; sailor-carved desk box with whale on top;
ivory rope-carved desk box; scrimshaw whale’s tooth;
walrus ivory carving; interesting small items with ivory inserts;
whalebone pulley; several ship-in-bottles; early sundial in
small wooden hand-held case, circa 1830; 6-inch ivory or bone
fishing lure with handmade hook, etc.; lot after lot of miscellaneous
nautical items; sextant; compass; pond model; nautical instruments;
gold scales; items and specimens collected on the Beebe expedition; carved
ivory Japanese man holding bowl. Other items of interest
include: Tiffany pin tray with weasels; Civil
War sword; arts and crafts hammered andirons; early chopping
tray; several Indian baskets; Hudson Bay trading blanket; art
deco bronze candlestick in the form of a lady; 18 th C. copper
pot with cover; small button collection; stamp
collection; 8-drawer hanging spice box; 4-inch sterling
shell dish; Victorian knife tray; two (2) sets of old sleigh
bells; early altar wood carvings; lot with lamps and items from early
Egyptian diggings; several Eskimo-carved stones, etc.;
stoneware jug with blue décor; old wicker baby crib; decoys;
large 18 th C. cauldron; doll and doll clothing; black marble
mantle clock; plus more! Don’t miss this auction!!
model |
Attic items |
Bisque doll |
Blue plates |
Bronze wall plaques |
Carved alter figures |
Compass |
Copper stencils |
Dentist sign |
Early bronze items |
Egyptian items |
Eskimo carvings |
Hand painted mushroom |
Hat banners |
Indian baskets |
Ivory carvings |
Mini figures |
Miniature items |
Old gas sign |
Pond model |
Powder flasks |
Sailor scrimshaw |
Sextant |
Ship in a bottle |
Ship in a bottle |
Shirley Temple |
Silver plate |
Tiffany bronze tray |
Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963
Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com