Auction - November 21, 2005
Items of Interest
Hanging dining lamp w/prizms, great wheelbarrow w/old original
paint, Seth Thomas shelf clock, 2 gingerbread clocks, large lot
of FORTUNE magazines, 2 sets of old snowshoes,
stick and ball mirror w/hooks, lead soldiers, wagon wheels, castor
set, several good deer and animal mounts, hunting and Indian
knife, old ammo lots, sweet grass baskets and other baskets,
misc. lot of stoneware “as is”, 3 early bottles,
Victorian oval walnut frames, old screen door, old hats, 2 blueberry
baskets, child’s toy piano, old radio, 2 old hay rakes,
fast coffee grinder, several frames and frame lots, brass birdcage,
braided and hooked rugs. Collectibles include: Charley McCarthy
puppet, magic tricks, pedal car, child’s old Coke driver
costume, child’s Indian costume, old Halloween costumes,
miscellaneous toy, book, and game lots! All fresh!! Plus lots
Charley McCarthy puppet
Baseball cards
Child's indian outfit
Collection of Fortune Magazines
Fortune Magazines
Game mount
Game mounts |
Gingerbread clocks |
Lead soldiers |
Misc. toys & games |
Old hats |
Old hooked rug |
Old snowshoes |
Rockland Maine container |
Seth Thomas clock |
Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963
Fax: 207-594-0674
email: bgamage@midcoast.com