Estates Auction

Monday, November 21st, 2016, 4:00 pm


Preview: Day of Auction 11:00 AM-4:00 PM

Rockland Elks Lodge, 210 Rankin Street, Rockland, Maine

We Have another exciting estates auction to offer you. All fresh to the market antiques and collectibles for your buying pleasure. 300 lots of fast paced auction action !!! Don’t miss it. And watch for 200 + colored images here on the website or on Auction Zip. Also if you haven’t signed up for email notification do so !  we will be not be sending Flyers and postcards for all auctions in 2017 !! . Contact us at with your e-mail address.


Directions: Take Rte. 1A by-pass in Rockland on Broadway and follow auction signs at Rankin Street

Signed Andrew Wyeth print (FOG BELL)

Early Maine chair table

Folk Art oil on board
Selection of oyster jars

pr of Rockland,Me stoneware bottles

Hand made BOWIE knife with original sheath

Ovid jug Utica,N Y

Caucasian rug 3' 4in x 5' 2in

Pair of early framed Delft tiles

1851 Brass cannon 6 inch barrel

Tin type Corp Tarbell 19th Maine
Good tin advertising

Caucasian rug 3 9in x6 2in

Edison HOME phonograph with horn

Bangor Me framed needlepoint poem

Grace Story Putnam (Bye Lo Baby)
Sterling silver inkwell

Childs Shaker rocker

Sterling silver 62 5 tr oz service for 8
Early ovid stoneware glazed jug

Friction toy

Persian rug 3' 2in x5' 6in

Sterling silver 6in plates 17 2 tr oz
tray lot of Eastern silver

Persian rug 3' 3in x7' 2in

Civil War sword

Large folding knife

Large Satsuma covered jar
Satsuma insense

Carved Chinese stone plaque

Inuit carved stone musk ox

Victorian sewing bag stand
Mahogany ladies desk

Turkomen rug

19th c unsigned landscape with luminous sky
Louis Vuitton briefcase

Country Sheraton desk

Oil by Marvin (Red) Garner 38x38in

Early oversized chopping tray

Fine porcelain umbrella or cane holder

oil by John Haapanan 1891-1968 (as is) flaking paint

Kazak rug 3' 3in x6' 1in

Marble gravestone 1873
Good lot of tin type albums CDV cards etc

Pastine tobacco tin

Rare Mayo Tobacco Roly Poly tins

Custom mahogany Boston lowbot
Wooden decorated deed box

Steiner porcelain toy

2 Eastern dirks

Great Conn rocker 1790

Small safe with combination

Vintage find of old baseball mitts balls etc

2 Lincoln CDV cards in album

Hanging wall cabinet
Log Cabin quilt

2 Eastern dirks

Chinese bronze
Carved Japanese foo dogs

19th c oil portrait

Cased model by Greg McKay

Cased model by Greg McKay model

Cased model by Greg McKay
Jah Hut carved Aborigine figures

Aborigine masks
Indonesian Theater Shadow Puppets

Early tins made into lamps
Art Deco silvered brass vase

Hummel figures

Collection of old post marks in albums and loose

yle leaded table lamp

Rare book 1857 Com Perry's Expedition to Japan

Sterling silver lot
Reposse silver plated tea set

Gone with the Wind lamp
early wooden bait box

Decorated box
oil by Jane S Edmonds

oil by Jane S. Edmonds

oils by Jane S Edmonds

Pallet knife painting by Edmonds

R S Prussia fruit bowl (mint)

Railroad lanterns
Advertising clock

Old flintlock pistol (as is)

Signed and numbered John Stobart
John Stobart signed and numbered print

Tray lot of shaving mugs
Tray lot of mustache cups

Bronze plaque
Tray lot of leather books etc

Royal Dux bisque vase

Dome top deed box

Childs Cresent toy stove
Children s books

Pair of floral still life oils

Victorian arm chair
Victorian ladies lolling chair

Tray lot of mica clip shades
Lot with sterling silver jewelry

Adv tray lot
Sheffiels candlesticks

Bamboo windsor arm chair
Oak card file

Signed print
Victorian oil portrait

Signed woodblock print from Singapore
Signed prints

Marc Chagall framed print
Edmonds woodblock prints

Carved Thai wooden buddah 37 inches tall
Chinese Mandarin covered urn

Arts and Crafts open oak book shelf
Pair of terracotta garden immortals

Stickley oak queen size bed frame
Arts and Crafts linen pillow

Pair of wrought iron hammered Arts and Crafts andirons

Arts and Craft style table lamp
Iron table made from a old floor grate

Canted dovetailed sea chest

Turkish flat woven rug
Terracotta garden urn

Cast Iron Griffin garden sculptures
High quality Oriental style carpet approx 6 x9

Mahogany sewing chest 1950s

Rare rotating lecturn bookcase

The Swift Mill coffee grinder

Custom mahogany claw and ball foot corner chair
Sheraton Rope leg Mahogany table

Victorian walnut corner chair with dolphin carved back

19th c ice skates

Bruce Gamage, Jr.
Antique Estate Auctioneer, Maine License #AR480
467 Main Street, Rockland, ME 04841
Tel: 207-594-4963 Fax: 207-594-0674